威猛 (Vermeer) Mix Master HD 扩孔器采用 API 常规公 X 母螺纹接头。厚实、带加强筋的板提高了耐用性,并设有开放部分(适用于各种尺寸),可改善混合和液体流动。旋转齿有助于提高 MXHD 的耐用性,并按照渐进的模式排列,从而在整个切割过程中产生平滑、螺旋式的切割效果。位于板内的液体端口朝前和朝后,以实现更佳的液体分配,从而保持孔道的完整性,湿润孔道路径并清洁旋转齿。
Vermeer offers an extensive selection of Ace bits designed for various soil and ground conditions. Vermeer Ace bits are designed with durability and wear-ability in mind. The plug-style tooth design of the Ace bit allows teeth to be positioned closer to each other to help maximize carbide coverage for extended wear-life.
Ace™ Pro Extreme 钻头延续了 Ace 钻头的传统,可在恶劣的地面条件下提供出色的性能。Ace Pro Extreme 钻头的两个边缘均采用硬质合金齿,其覆盖范围是 Ace Pro 钻头的两倍,大大延长了磨损寿命。采用独立圆顶型设计的硬质合金齿,专为承受恶劣条件下的冲击力而设计。其窄底面 (NB) 设计使得齿能够紧密排列,最大限度地减少与钻头本体的直接接触,从而在磨损寿命期间保持稳定。
Vermeer offers an extensive selection of Gladiator bits designed for various soil and ground conditions. Vermeer Gladiator bits are engineered with durability and wear-ability in mind. These bits feature oversized carbide buttons to minimize premature wear.