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Pipeline Directional Drills

Pipeline Directional Drills

When the job is on the line, Vermeer is there to see you through.

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Field-tested to demonstrate they can handle the most exacting large-diameter projects, Vermeer horizontal directional drills are equipped with the features operators need to get the job done. Conquer difficult river crossings and the toughest ground conditions with the Vermeer lineup of powerful maxi rigs.

Designed with your feedback on the unique challenges faced on pipeline jobsites, our directional drills are set apart by the expert service and support provided by the Vermeer network of factory-trained dealers and service technicians.

When the job is on the line, Vermeer is there to see you through.

Field-tested to demonstrate they can handle the most exacting large-diameter projects, Vermeer horizontal directional drills are equipped with the features operators need to get the job done. Conquer difficult river crossings and the toughest ground conditions with the Vermeer lineup of powerful maxi rigs.

Designed with your feedback on the unique challenges faced on pipeline jobsites, our directional drills are set apart by the expert service and support provided by the Vermeer network of factory-trained dealers and service technicians.

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