Our Customers

Our customers are connecting people
Making a connection is a powerful thing. And at Vermeer, we’re doing our part in making strong connections. Communities around the world count on Vermeer customers for water, power and the ability to stay productive on- and offline. From efficiently placing utilities like electricity, water and sewer underground, to linking energy sources to markets around the world, to installing fiberoptics designed for long-distance, high-performance data networking and telecommunications, Vermeer yellow iron is right there leading the way in making a real impact.

Our customers are managing natural resources
People and their livelihoods rely on the health and productivity of our landscapes, and our actions as stewards of the land play a critical role in this. That’s why we strive to develop solutions that focus on the responsible management and protection of our natural resources like organic waste recycling, tree care, rental and landscape, surface mining and more. We strive to deliver high-quality products, incorporating environmentally-sound processes into the manufacturing of our equipment that care for the environment. Thus, allowing efficient and responsible resource use.

Our customers are feeding and fueling communities
Feeding and fueling the world requires the timely management and harvest of a variety of forage and biomass crops and materials. From the industry’s first wagon hoist to the pioneering round baler, Vermeer inventions have helped farmers and ranchers get their work done quickly and efficiently—nourishing a healthy and vibrant food supply.
Our customers work hard. They go beyond, every day doing more than before to leave a legacy for those to come. Our customers, with their tough yellow iron, drive our world forward. And our job at Vermeer? Equipping them with the products, services and support they need to do the work that makes a lasting impact.